Übersetzung & Definition
a focus group: eine Fokusgruppe
Unter einer Fokusgruppe versteht man eine Form der Gruppendiskussion, die in der Marktforschung eingesetzt wird.
- "Subject: Focus Group Feedback"
- "Here's how the focus group will work: I'm going to ask you a series of questions, which you should answer as honestly as possible."
- "Just a quick message to fill you in on our first focus group this afternoon."
- "The goal of these focus groups is to gather internal feedback about a couple of new products we're considering."
- "Subject: Focus Group FRIDAY 12th MARCH 1PM"
- "I'd like to think that you all take an interest in the development of new products, so consider this focus group an opportunity to reinforce the attachment you feel for them already."
- "I'd like to take this opportunity to invite you to the first of a series of focus groups the marketing department will be holding over the coming weeks, so please reserve the above date in your diaries."
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