Übersetzung & Definition
to feel like (sleeping): Ich habe Lust (schlafen zu gehen)
To feel like is followed by a gerund (a verb in the ING form) when followed directly by a verb: Nach To feel like folgt das Verb im Gerundium (ein Verb in der ING Form)
I feel like going to the movies. Ich habe Lust, ins Kino zu gehen.
Dieses Verb ist unregelmäßig:
I feel like / I felt like / I have felt like
I feel like (I'm making progress): Ich habe den Eindruck (Fortschritte zu machen)
this feels like (real leather): das fühlt sich wie (richtiges Leder) an
- "Other times, I feel like I could travel for the rest of my life."
- "When she speaks to me I feel like I am the only person in the room."
- "Edward : (singing) Sometimes I feel like such a loner, trying to fill the printer with toner"
- "Bruno : I felt like the king of the world while Betty's banquet continued."
- "Australian woman : Bruno, I've never said this to anyone before, but you make me feel like a boomerang."
- "Philip : Yeah, and this sure doesn't feel like Angelina Jolie."
- "I feel like Brian Jones is going to walk in here any second and say "Hello chaps."
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