Übersetzung & Definition
a feat: eine Heldentat, eine Spitzenleistung
Goliath was known for his feats of strength until David killed him with a small stone. Goliath war für seine Stärke bekannt, bis David ihn mit einem kleinen Stein tötete.
It was no mean feat ist eine geläufige Redensart mit der Bedeutung "das war eine beachtliche Leistung"
It was no mean feat to get the project done on time. Es war keine Kleinigkeit, das Projekt rechtzeitig fertig zu bekommen.
Pronunciation examples
UK: Arranging the treaty was a diplomatic feat.
US: Spending his vacation in Baghdad was a real feat of bravery.
- "In brief: you say these perfumes have already been distilled and bottled, which means we cannot re-bottle them and sell them as different fragrances entirely, and from what Philip tells me, it would be an extraordinary feat to convince any of our current distributors to purchase some 10,000 bottles of an outdated perfume."
- "Trotter, best known for his incredible feats of magic, adorable little smile and the bizarre lightning-shaped scar on his forehead, was arrested after police found the boy circling drunkenly around Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square."
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