Übersetzung & Definition

the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, US): Arzneimittelzulassungsbehörde der USA noun


  • "With 3 weeks to go before the FDA audit, the laboratory is currently looking like a squat."
  • "Curtis Blow : Good morning, Curtis Blow, Food and Drug Administration."
  • "Food and Drug Administration Rockwell, September 16"
  • "Investigator, Food and Drug Administration"
  • "I know that you like to read my letters when you open them every morning, so you are probably aware that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is coming to audit our R&D Department."
  • "I know that you like to read my letters when you open them every morning, so you are probably aware that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is coming to audit our R&D Department."
  • "This terrifies me, but we need FDA approval if we want to continue selling our products on the US market."
  • "I've done all I can to prepare it for the FDA audit."
  • "Ref: FDA Establishment Inspection Report"
  • "Brian : Okay Horatio, here comes the FDA inspector."

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