Übersetzung & Definition
my father: mein Vater
(Do you want) to father (my children?): (Willst du) der Vater (meiner Kinder sein?)
- "If you're his father, we give you special table, VIP section."
- "Waiter : You Lucky's father?"
- "I'm his father."
- "Philip : Of course he's his father!"
- "He was known as the "Father of Fragrance", but it was his grandson Bruno that brought international recognition to the Delavigne name."
- "I'm Michael Jackson... I'm with your father in a mental institution."
- "At the same time, Philip developed a talent for sales while travelling door to door with his father and selling first hot dogs, then toasters, and eventually insurance policies."
- "Philip : He's a father."
- "My father once said, a dying British man will shoot you while you're trying to rob an airport."
- "He was known as the "Father of Fragrance", but it was his grandson Bruno who brought international recognition to the Delavigne name."
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