Übersetzung & Definition

fancy: ausgefallen, extravagant, gepflegt adjective
Horatio doesn't need any fancy technology in his laboratory. Horatio braucht keine ausgefallene Technologie in seinem Labor.
What a fancy restaurant! Was für ein extravagantes Restaurant!
to fancy (a coffee): (einen Kaffee) gern mögen, Lust (auf Kaffee) haben verb
I fancy going to the movies tonight. Ich habe Lust, heute Abend ins Kino zu gehen.
What do you fancy for dinner? Was hättest du gerne zum Abendessen?

UK: I really fancy a nice cup of tea.
US: That's a very fancy hat you're wearing.


  • "I understand that you wanted to marry a rich guy, at least that makes sense, but yet here you are back in London with nothing to show for it, not even a fancy diamond ring."
  • "Jean, check out these fancy idioms to add some colour to your future conversations!"
  • "Mr. Delavigne, staying at a fancy hotel and not at the Olympic village, was the only surviving competitor."
  • "I noticed you've got a fancy yellow tennis racket."
  • "Since you're always hosting me in your fancy San Francisco offices, I think it's my turn to return the favor, so I'd like to extend a formal invitation to my new ranch in Crawford, Texas."
  • "Fancy mushroom thing with ostrich eggs and bacon"
  • "I speak with a fancy little accent and my best friend is the Queen of England."
  • "That's a fancy area."

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