Übersetzung & Definition
(a) fair (trial): (eine) gerechte (Gerichtsverhandlung)
It's not fair. Das ist nicht gerecht.
to have a sense of fair play ein Gefühl für Gerechtigkeit haben
fair trade fairer Handel
Weitere Bedeutungen von fair, die man nicht verwechseln sollte:
a fair eine Messe
a fair lady eine schöne Dame (altmodisch)
fair skin helle Haut
(a) fair (price): (ein) angemessener (Preis)
Pronunciation examples
UK: My fair skin means I have to avoid the sun.
US: But mom, it's not fair. I don't even like broccoli.
- "Icarus : Uh, lieutenant, that doesn't seem very fair."
- "Passenger : That's not fair, I was here first, I want to go to first class!"
- "I think it would only be fair."
- "Susie : To be fair, the journalist does give a balanced description of each perfume."
- "Passenger : That's not fair, I was here first, I want to go in first class!"
- "It's not fair to you for me to pretend our relationship is going to work when I know in my heart my attention is elsewhere - Europe."
- "While other airlines set ticket prices for their flights, Mile High Airways has devised a new pricing strategy called "Fare's fair"."
- "Mrs Lee : We treat our workers very fairly, Mr Connors."
- "Brian : Well, that's not fair!"
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