Übersetzung & Definition
to fail: scheitern, nicht schaffen
Note the most common constructions of the verb "to fail": "to fail + object (I failed my math test)"; "to fail + to + infinitive verb (He failed to warn me about the hurricane)"; 'to fail + in/at + ING verb (I failed in negotiating the contract).
I failed my exams miserably. Ich bin bei meinen Prüfungen kläglich gescheitert.
He failed to convince me. Er hat es nicht geschafft, mich zu überzeugen.
She failed in resolving the problem. Sie hat es nicht geschafft, das Problem zu lösen.
a failure: ein Misserfolg
Kalvin Krime's latest perfume is a major failure. Das neueste Parfüm von Kalvin Krime ist ein totaler Misserfolg.
- "Definition: a written or spoken expression of one's regret, remorse, or sorrow for having insulted, failed, injured, or wronged another."
- "Failed ladies' man with a troubled childhood"
- "A recent survey carried out at Kingston University has shown that an alarming 56% of managers who conduct interviews fail to recognize what constitutes an improper interview question."
- "Brian : I demand recompense... Take a new companion... Fail in this mission, and my wrath will be swift and brutal... Aaah!"
- "Fail in this mission, and my wrath will be swift and brutal."
- "plots and conspiracies, failed assassination attempts, 10 most wanted cats in Sweden."
- "I was a no-good cowboy with a failed department store and a ton of debt."
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