Übersetzung & Definition

a fact: eine Tatsache, ein Fakt noun
I need some facts. Ich brauche einige Fakten.
The expression facts and figures means "data".
the simple fact that...: die einfache Tatsache, dass... idiom
(But) the fact is (that she's innocent): (Aber) die Tatsache ist, (dass sie unschuldig ist.) idiom


  • "Folks, we've all made mistakes like this at one point or another, so let's reserve judgment until we have all the facts."
  • "By way of an introduction, let me begin with a simple fact about myself: I am a smoker."
  • "Here's a quick summary of facts about aliens"
  • "The fact is that Horatio and I thought we were going to die, but we didn't."
  • "Perhaps you were his customer, perhaps his grandchild, or perhaps a stranger who just likes to attend funerals, but the fact is everyone felt like his friend."
  • "Facts and clues"
  • ""Facts" will not be used in my arguments."
  • "Perhaps you were his customer, perhaps his grandchild, or perhaps a stranger who just likes to attend funerals, but the fact is, that with Xavier, everyone felt like his friend."
  • "Fact: on this day, 30 years ago, Bruno Delavigne sold his first perfume!"

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