Übersetzung & Definition
an eye: ein Auge
as far as the eye can see soweit das Auge reicht
a black eye ein blaues Auge
to sleep with one eye open mit einem offenen Auge schlafen, wachsam sein
to keep an eye on... ein Auge auf etwas/jemanden haben
the apple of my eye mein Augapfel (auch als Kosewort)
to eye: betrachten
- "Before we begin, let's check in with our "Eye in the Sky", Ray Upton, who joins us live from the Radio Rhubarb Traffic Copter 1."
- "As our eyes met for the first time, I felt her looking deep into my soul, a place where no woman had ever penetrated."
- "The look of love is in your eyes."
- "Eye witness report by: CLIVE THE BEER VENDOR"
- "Before we go any further, let's check in with our "eye in the sky", Ray Upton for a quick traffic report."
- "Oh, my eyes!"
- "Vicar : Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the holy matrimony of two young lovers, eager to forge a union in the eyes of God, which is to last forever and ever."
- "Philip : But I always thought that aliens had green skin and big eyes and triangle heads, and watched the XXX-files, and you know, abducted humans and stuff."
- "You're not blind, your eyes are just closed."
- "Your eyes are like dollar signs."
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