Übersetzung & Definition

to experience life (in a big American city): (in einer großen amerikanischen Stadt) Erfahrungen sammeln idiom
to experience: erfahren, erleben verb
We are experiencing some technical difficulties. Wir haben gerade einige technische Schwierigkeiten.
an experience: eine Erfahrung noun


  • "Bruno : Betty had taken me to a restaurant where dishes were served in total darkness, where diners abandoned their vision and used only their other senses to experience the food they were eating."
  • "While the print media has indeed been critical of your company recently, we propose focusing on Delavigne's Internet presence to shift the narrative from tabloid gossip to the high quality profiles and experience of your staff."
  • "-Have you had experience?"
  • "Delavigne, San Francisco's renowned playboy, insisted on piloting the balloon himself, despite having only limited experience flying dirigibles."
  • "Royal Rehab® is the world's most unique rehabilitation center, with over 5000 years of experience turning kingly cruelties into tiny transgressions!"
  • "With over 3 months' experience in PR and damage control, Slick Brand Solution's long track record in the industry speaks for itself!"
  • "EXPERIENCE 1990–Present Marmoset Circus (based in San Francisco)"
  • "That harrowing experience gave me a new perspective on the nature of my own life, and how I want to spend the rest of it."
  • "Your chief has gone through a terrible experience."
  • "This letter is in regards to a poor vending experience at Saint Andre's."

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