Übersetzung & Definition

exotic: exotisch adjective
exoticism: Exotik noun


  • "Sexual tastes are particularly exotic this year."
  • "In the bathtub, Oléré mixed special blends of perfumes using mysterious and exotic plants."
  • "We've got Bümbüm on board, new exotic chemicals, a new factory."
  • "Combining exotic Amazonian fruits with the gentle touch of aloe, TigerLily possesses a light, feminine, and fruity scent sure to please women of the most discerning tastes."
  • "Let's take a short break and we'll be back to learn more about your exotic, undiscovered nations."
  • "This fragrance contrasts exotic fruits and lush florals for a truly sophisticated smelling experience."
  • "I am sure you are already familiar with our extensive line of skin care and beauty products, from our award-winning perfumes (Exotic Garden and others) to our environmentally safe and organically produced soaps ("Cucumber Melonade" is one of our most popular)."
  • "In the bathtub, Oléré mixed perfumes using mysterious and exotic plants."
  • "It's very exotic."

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