Übersetzung & Definition

to be excited about (something): (wegen etwas) aufgeregt sein idiom
I'm really excited about my trip to Hawaii. Ich bin wegen meiner Reise nach Hawaii wirklich aufgeregt.
to excite: erregen, begeistern verb
excitement: Aufregung, Begeisterung noun


  • "I'm so excited to see you again – I feel just like a teenager!"
  • "Hannah : What are you so excited about?"
  • "Now that I have met you and some of your colleagues, and know more about the activities of the Delavigne Corp, I am even more excited about the possibility of working with you and your team than I was before the interview."
  • "Horatio : So Joan Wayne, are you excited to visit the East?"
  • "Hannah : I'm so excited!"
  • "The teacher of the class has been hailed as a hero for bringing the incident to a swift end by saying, "Ok class, that's enough excitement for today, turn to page 54 of your textbooks: Trigonometry"."
  • "He's as excited by the project as I am. He's even going to start on some prototypes."
  • "After all this turmoil and excitement, I needed to sort things out for myself in the comfort of my family home."
  • "I am, however excited."

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