Übersetzung & Definition
essential: grundlegend, unentbehrlich
the most essential das Allerwichtigste
unessential: unnötig, unwesentlich
- "Not only are melody and rhythm essential ingredients in the perfume-making process, I believe they are essential for all forms of work."
- "Obviously, documentation of violations or poor job performance is essential in justifying an employee's dismissal."
- ""Sleep is essential... at least 8 hours for most adults... lack of sleep leads to bad health... high blood pressure... heart disease... poor performance at work"... Ey up, that sounds serious!"
- "Here at Delavigne, it is absolutely essential to give our customers a favorable first impression."
- "In order to reactivate your PlasterCard, it is essential that you confirm your credit card information below"
- "You know how much I hate spending money on unessential items.."
- "For young or old, the bottom line seems clear: a good night's sleep is essential!"
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