Übersetzung & Definition
to erupt: ausbrechen, explodieren, erbeben
Oh dear it looks like that volcano is about to erupt. Better run away. Mein Gott, es schaut so aus, als ob der Vulkan kurz vor einem Ausbruch steht. Laufen Sie lieber weg.
an eruption: eine Eruption, ein Ausbruch
- ""El Chichon" could erupt at any minute."
- "What you do in your own time is up to you, however since there is a high risk that this demonstration could erupt in violence, I would prefer that no one leave work early to attend."
- "Moira : Today's top story: a volcano in Chiapas, Mexico is showing clear signs of eruption."
- "Brent : Lance, if that volcano erupts you'll be covered in lava and toxic gases!"
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