Übersetzung & Definition
equipment: die Ausrüstung
(an) equipped (apartment): (eine) möblierte (Wohnung)
- "Our factory manager in Paris has been bugging me for some new health and safety equipment."
- "Do you have the equipment necessary to produce these bottles en masse?"
- "Our place is equipped with a washer/dryer, cable, and internet."
- "Cleaning equipment and gas masks are available in my office."
- "The dolphin has been equipped with sophisticated recording equipment as well as a waterproof microphone."
- "Edward : But like all good equipment, you must keep them clean"
- "My assistant has set me up with a video conferencing system. If you've got the right equipment on your end, we should be able to go ahead with the meeting as planned."
- "I'll need to check that your equipment and utensils are clean and well-maintained."
- "Please buy the equipment requested by the factory manager ASAP."
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