Übersetzung & Definition

an environment: eine Umgebung, ein Umfeld, eine Umwelt noun
(an) environmental (program): (ein) Umwelt- (Programm) adjective
Protect the environment!: Schützt die Umwelt! idiom


  • "Ahead of the vote on June 1st, 2020, the two remaining candidates, Brits Edward Moon and Brian Jones, will clash on the big issues: cheese, the environment and the Eurovision song contest."
  • "Eating locally, when possible, certainly has advantages both in terms of environmental impact and taste."
  • "Susie : The concept was developed by London's finest designers, to create the perfect shopping environment."
  • "She cares about the environment and seems like a good person."
  • "I have ten years' experience in the customer service field, as well as management experience in a local telemarketing firm. The challenging environments in which I've worked have taught me to think on my feet, communicate clearly and always remain polite and professional while dealing with callers."
  • "A full environmental assessment of food should take into account how the food has been produced and what energy is used in its production."
  • "Critics claim that the best ingredients don't always come from your region and that transport is only one element of a food's environmental impact."
  • "Perhaps the benefits of the internet outweigh any damage it may cause to the environment?"
  • "However, its growth is not such good news for the environment."
  • "However, there's another way we can unwittingly damage the environment with computer use: going online."

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