Übersetzung & Definition
to earn (good money): (gut) verdienen
To earn one's living Seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen
the earnings: der Gewinn, der Verdienst
Pronunciation examples
UK: I earned £4000 last week.
US: Oh really? And what will you do with your earnings?
- "Susie : Alright guys, it's time to start earning your pay cheques."
- "I'll just take 50% of all your future earnings."
- "- The chance to earn your fortune, without working your butt off."
- "I earn a six-figure salary, I'm a former model, and have my own two-bedroom apartment in Pacific Heights."
- "Janine : This payment is based on your salary and, in general, is about 50 per cent of your weekly earnings."
- "You can earn serious money without leaving the comfort of your own home."
- "With a lovely head like yours, I mean with your unique skills and experience, you could be earning a seven-figure salary!"
- "You've gotta be able to lead by example in this business Jean, that way you earn respect from your team. Sales is a battle, and you have to motivate your troops each and every day."
- "Greg : That's a lot more than I earn!"
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