Übersetzung & Definition

dust: der Staub noun
The piano in the attic is covered with dust. Das Klavier auf dem Dachboden ist mit Staub bedeckt.
to dust: entstauben, (be-) streuen verb
I dusted the house today. Ich habe heute das Haus entstaubt.
dusty: staubig adjective
The computer is a little dusty, but otherwise it's in perfect condition. Der Computer ist ein bißchen staubig, ansonsten ist er in einem perfekten Zustand.


  • "Horatio : So, the hard disk is the hard drive on the desktop on the top of the desk with no dust!"
  • "you eliminate the sound of crackling by wiping the dust from the record and needle with a cloth."
  • "Horatio : Joan Wayne, you can't stay in this dirty, dusty Old West all your life."
  • "And I also would like to add that your wig is very distinguished, and grey, and dusty-"
  • "Horatio : There is no dust."
  • "Especially Norton, I think he's allergic to dust."
  • "It's a little dusty, but it's nothing some aerosol spray and sponge can't fix."
  • "Estate agent : Yes, as you can smell, the apartment has been unoccupied for some time now, so there is a little dust."
  • "Dust them off, buy yourself a record player and have a listen."

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