Übersetzung & Definition
a driver: ein Fahrer, ein Chauffeur, ein Pilot
the bus driver der Busfahrer
a slave driver ein Sklaventreiber
a driver (computers): ein Treiber (für eine Software)
I need the new drivers for the software. Ich brauche die neuen Treiber für das Computerprogramm.
- "Come on Driver Man, step on the gas!"
- "Two drivers politely disagree over who has right of way at stop sign"
- "Olaf : Come on driver, just drive faster!"
- "Olaf : He's dead, driver."
- "Olaf : Quiet, Driver Man!"
- "Come on Driver Man, let's get away from them."
- "Olaf : Just take it, driver man, just take it!"
- "Bus driver : Ladies and gentlemen, we've just pulled in to New York City Bus Station."
- "Olaf : Step on it, Driver Man!"
- "Olaf : No, not correct, Mr. Driver Man."
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