Übersetzung & Definition
Don't panic!: Keine Panik!
to panic: in Panik geraten
Dieses Verb ist unregelmäßig:
I panic / I panicked / I have panicked
- "I have decided not to panic."
- "Icarus : Alright, everybody, settle down, there's no reason to panic, even though this is an emergency, there's no reason to panic!"
- "Icarus : Alright everybody settle down, there's no reason to panic, even though this is an emergency, there's no reason to panic!"
- "The last time I panicked, my house burned down and I lost my valuable collection of toy motorcycles."
- "The last time I panicked, my house caught fire and I lost my valuable collection of toy motorcycles."
- "Donna : Okay, Beth, I can see why you're panicking a bit, but you obviously haven't considered all of the options."
- "Harold : Don't panic, Cheeter."
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