Übersetzung & Definition
a dolphin: ein Delfin
Delphine loves dolphins. Delphine liebt Delfine.
- "What is the dolphin saying?"
- "Dolphin : #%*&^$#)_*($^(*@"
- "Dolphin : (*&%^*#$&()"
- "It is exactly 9:07 am, and I am swimming alongside a dolphin."
- "Dolphin : ()*&$#(*&%^@_&^"
- "But I think it's a dolphin."
- "Dolphin : (*&^%&^)?"
- "I will now attempt to initiate a dialogue with the dolphin."
- "Dolphin : (*&%_)#$&%$()#@$^(_*$#_@*(&^#$)(&@#^!"
- "Hello Dolphin!"
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