Übersetzung & Definition
a document: ein Dokument
to document: dokumentieren
- "If not, just have fun reading the official hiring policy document when it arrives."
- "I'm referring of course to the documents we discussed last week in Hong Kong."
- "I checked my documents in the C-drive and it's empty!"
- "Bob : The left button is used to select things: files, folders or documents, or to click on internet links, for example."
- "I have faxed over some documents, which you should have received yesterday."
- "We all know that we shouldn't leave our computers on standby and that we shouldn't print out emails and documents unless absolutely necessary."
- "I wish there were enough room on my screen to display both documents at the same time!"
- "The cursor can be used to scroll up and down in documents and web pages for example."
- "These records are legal documents and Bruno insisted that this laboratory comply with regulations."
- "I've got both documents open but I have to click between them."
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