Übersetzung & Definition
a disease: eine Krankheit, eine Erkrankung
Scientists are researching a cure for this disease. Für diese Krankheit forschen Wissenschaflter nach einer Heilmethode.
disease-free: krankheitsfrei
Pronunciation examples
UK: Scientists are researching a cure for this disease.
US: Bruno has a terrible, terrible, terrible disease.
- "Nurse Baker : Listen, I'm not saying you've got any of these diseases, there's just a risk."
- "An era of dance music, cheap cologne, innocent touching, and disease-free casual sex!"
- ""Sleep is essential... at least 8 hours for most adults... lack of sleep leads to bad health... high blood pressure... heart disease... poor performance at work"... Ey up, that sounds serious!"
- "Horatio : Anosmia is a terrible, terrible, terrible disease."
- "For one thing, there are no wars, no global warming, and no diseases."
- "Doctors believe that drinking red wine in moderation prevents cancer, heart disease and other ailments."
- "Nurse Baker : Well, there's a risk that your blood may contain infectious diseases such as HIV..."
- "Insufficient or poor-quality sleep increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease, as well as the probability of making risky decisions."
- "In order to prevent the transmission of diseases in the workplace, I have put in place a new initiative that will encourage people to wash their hands after using the bathroom. I am reluctant to reveal too much information regarding the protocol as it may compromise its effectiveness."
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