Übersetzung & Definition

to discuss: besprechen, diskutieren verb
Let's discuss your problem. Lass uns dein Problem besprechen.
a discussion: eine Diskussion noun


  • "We'll discuss this on Thursday."
  • "Discuss a future appointment in early October"
  • "I am also filled with terror upon discovering your new president, but that is a discussion for another time!"
  • "At 10.30, there's a PR meeting to discuss media strategy."
  • "Bruno : Horatio, that's not what we discussed!"
  • "This is one of the few times that we're not going to be discussing coffee."
  • "I was hoping to discuss the working conditions at ChinaCorp's factory as well as its production capacity."
  • "They outline a few of the points I'd like to discuss with you during my stay in China."
  • "It's been 20 years of gathering the greatest minds in the cosmetics industry for lectures, conferences, round-table discussions and even a cocktail party or two!"
  • "So would you like to discuss your espresso machine proposal?"

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