Übersetzung & Definition
a discount: eine Ermäßigung, ein Rabatt
Since there is already a stain on the sweater, could you give me a discount? Da schon ein Fleck auf dem Pullover ist, könnten Sie mir hierfür einen Rabatt gewähren.
I bought this tea set at a discount. Ich habe dieses Teeservice mit Rabatt gekauft.
a bulk discount ein Mengenrabatt
to discount: einen Rabatt gewähren, abziehen
We discounted all our inventory by 50%. Wir gaben einen fünfzigprozentigen Rabatt auf unseren gesamten Warenbestand.
- "One solution may be increasing discounts and promotions this year."
- "Discount cosmetic products, run by a crazy guy, something like that?"
- "The record turnover is mainly due to an aggressive discount policy implemented by Delavigne's Head of Sales, Philip Cheeter."
- "Discount @ 5%"
- "Total premium before discount"
- "Hannah : Well, what about offering discounts on some of our products?"
- "Speaking to reporters earlier today, Mr. Cheeter said, "The discounts were all my idea."
- "Hannah : I understand, but you know how Philip feels about discounts."
- "Icarus : Discounts?"
- "Just for you a 30 percent discount on all units of Liquid Dynamite!"
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