Übersetzung & Definition
a detail: ein Detail
to detail, to go into the details: ausführlich beschreiben, ins Detail gehen
I don't want to go into the details, but you won't believe what happened to me Saturday night. Ich möchte nicht ins Detail gehen, aber du wirst nicht glauben, was mir Samstag Nacht passiert ist.
in more detail: detaillierter
- "I'm typing a press release, but all the details about the product are in a separate file."
- "In this case, they want your credit card details so that they can buy things using your PlasterCard!"
- "Though the details of Stink's gruesome murder are still hazy, I'm sure that you understand my deep and pervasive hatred for you, and by extension, all things British."
- "Details about the event in which you will be competing are included on the next page."
- "Date Expense Description Amount ($) Units Details"
- "Go and get more details from Polly, she also has a pair of safety glasses and a white coat."
- "From next year, sugary, fatty, and salty foods will carry more than just a red flag with nutrition details."
- "I'll let him fill you in on the details."
- "Here are the details"
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