Übersetzung & Definition

a destination: ein Ziel noun


  • "I know the perfect destination to bring Democracy!"
  • "Now we ready to move on to our final destination: The Kremlin."
  • "Though I won't divulge the destination yet, I can tell you that we will find ourselves confronted with man's ancient enemy: Nature."
  • "We're looking for Bruno, we don't have a specific destination in mind!"
  • "Mile High Airways fly to a range of out-of-the-way and obscure destinations."
  • "She took me to a surprise destination for our next date..."
  • "But, I will give you a clue, because as they say: "Life is a journey, not a destination."
  • "The airline is set to revolutionise the low-cost airline industry, setting new standards in price, comfort, service and destination options."

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