Übersetzung & Definition

deep: tief, profund, unergründlich adjective
I have a deep understanding of statistical mathematics. Ich habe profunde Kenntnisse in mathematischer Statistik.
the deepest: das Tiefste adjective


  • "Though the details of Stink's gruesome murder are still hazy, I'm sure that you understand my deep and pervasive hatred for you, and by extension, all things British."
  • "Despite his humble beginnings in the deepest, darkest Amazon, General Oléré stood out like a shining star."
  • "Deep Blue Lounge, 992 Valencia Street"
  • "When we crossed paths in the corridor last month, I felt something deep in my bosom. At first I thought it was destiny, but now I realize it was your hand touching me inappropriately."
  • "Well, technically yes, she was, but let's look deeper."
  • "Expect strange shapes, serious faces, and deep meanings."
  • "Back in Europe, deep inside the French countryside!"
  • "I've developed a deep understanding of human reactions, which makes me the ideal candidate to interact with customers in a professional, calm and composed fashion."
  • "Excuse my French, but that means we're in deep )(*#$."

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