Übersetzung & Definition
to damage: beschädigen
Our new cat has already managed to damage the couch. Unsere neue Katze hat es schon geschafft, unsere Couch zu beschädigen.
Excessive exposure to the sun may be damaging to your health. Übermäßige Sonnenbestrahlung kann schädlich für Ihre Gesundheit sein.
damage: der Schaden
1,000 dollars' worth of damage was done to the car. Der Schaden am Auto belief sich auf 1000 Dollar.
earthquake damage Erdbebenschäden
The damage is already done. Der Schaden ist schon passiert.
damages (legal term): Schadenersatz (juristischer Begriff)
I've already paid 5,000 in damages. Ich habe schon 5000 Dollar Schadenersatz bezahlt.
Pronunciation examples
UK: Our new cat has already managed to damage the couch.
US: 1,000 dollars' worth of damage was done to my new car.
- "Covers you if your car damages someone else's property."
- "You have a $500 deductible on your comprehensive and collision coverage, meaning that Ouch Insurance will pay for any damages above this amount."
- "However, there's another way we can unwittingly damage the environment with computer use: going online."
- "If we don't get it right, it could SERIOUSLY damage Delavigne's sales next year!"
- "She's so awful that just the sight of her makes people scream. When I pick her up, people run out of the room. In my hands, this instrument can do more damage than a bazooka!"
- "Is the bottle damaged, opened or defective?"
- "Covers damages to your vehicle resulting from a collision with another car."
- "No damage that I can see."
- "Covers damages to your vehicles in incidents other than auto accidents."
- "Perhaps the benefits of the internet outweigh any damage it may cause to the environment?"
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