Übersetzung & Definition
current events: die Tagesereignisse
I read about the elections in the current events section of the newspaper. Ich lese über die Wahlen in der Rubrik zu aktuellen Ereignissen in der Zeitung.
- "Just a quick reminder that we will be meeting on Wednesday at 12:00 as usual, for our weekly Current Events club."
- "But you're more than welcome to stay if you want to discuss current events."
- "Subject: Current Events Club meeting this Wednesday at noon!"
- "Subject: Inaugural Current Events Club meeting this Wednesday at noon!"
- "To: Current events club members"
- "Hello Current Events Enthusiasts!"
- "The first edition of our weekly Current Events Club will be held on Wednesday at 12:00."
- "The Brian Jones Current Events Club is now in session, the honorable Brian Jones presiding, that's me!"
- "Hello everyone and thank you for coming to the inaugural edition of Brian Jones' Current Events Club!"
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