Übersetzung & Definition
a cost: ein Preis, die Kosten
The total cost of the repairs will be approximately 2,000 euros. Die Endkosten der Reparaturen werden schätzungsweise 2000 Euro betragen.
The cost of living is high in Paris. Die Lebenshaltungskosten sind in Paris hoch.
Get him to sign the contract, no matter the cost. Bring' ihn dazu den Vertrag zu unterschreiben, koste es was es wolle.
a cost benefit analysis eine Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse
cost-effective kostengünstig
to cost: kosten
Bitte beachen Sie, dass dieses Verb unregelmäßig ist: cost/cost/cost
How much does that sweater cost? Wieviel kostet dieser Pullover?
- "Helen : Cryonic suspension of the whole body costs $200,000."
- "Cost: Quite expensive"
- "The ticket cost $4000, Icarus!"
- "Return ticket only cost £12."
- "Cost: Cheap as chips"
- "For a small extra cost, passengers can choose to have some legroom and a seatbelt, and use the toilet facilities!"
- "Your ticket cost $4000."
- "At the usual cost, of course."
- "Steffi : Yes, the invoice states that each unit costs 29 dollars, however we agreed on a price of 31 dollars per unit."
- "Operator : The total cost will be... $264.50."
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