Übersetzung & Definition

cosmetics: die Kosmetik, die Schönheitspflege noun
Beachten Sie: cosmetics steht immer nur im Plural.
The cosmetics are located on the first floor of the department store. Die Kosmetikprodukte befinden sich in der ersten Etage des Kaufhauses.
(a) cosmetic (injury): (eine) oberflächliche (Verletzung) adjective
cosmetic surgery Schönheitschirurgie, kosmetische Chirurgie


  • "It's been 20 years of gathering the greatest minds in the cosmetics industry for lectures, conferences, round-table discussions and even a cocktail party or two!"
  • "As you may be aware, this year marks the 20th anniversary of the formation of the International Association of Cosmetics and Fragrance (IACF)."
  • "Kalvin Krime Cosmetics has been making waves this week, launching a series of perfumed billboards."
  • "Kevin : Well Mrs Lee, because your factory seems so versatile, I was wondering if you would be able to handle our cosmetic packaging as well."
  • "Eventually, Bruno transformed Xavier's humble perfume shop in Montmartre into a world-renowned, multinational cosmetics company."
  • "Bruno : Well, I was invited to be the keynote speaker at a conference on cosmetics tomorrow morning in Boston."
  • "Icarus : A pinball machine for a computer laboratory is highly unorthodox for a cosmetics company."
  • "Director of The International Association of Cosmetics and Fragrance (IACF)"
  • "For the last century, Delavigne has been among the industry leaders in cosmetics and perfumes."
  • "The board of the IACF thought it only fitting that you, one of the true pioneers in the fragrance and cosmetic community, deliver the speech to mark the Vicennial anniversary of our organization."

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