Übersetzung & Definition

to convince: überzeugen, überreden verb
I haven't been able to convince him to join us. Ich konnte ihn nicht dazu überreden, sich uns anzuschließen.
convincing: überzeugend adjective
convinced: überzeugt adjective


  • "Remember that we could have outsourced the naming process to another company, but I convinced Bruno that our talented marketing department could take care of this internally... so, let's prove me right, okay?"
  • "I thought that you would make a very convincing Al Capone (because of your natural leadership qualities and also your morphology)."
  • "I spent months trying to convince the journalist to feature us."
  • "The results should be enough to convince the jury of your innocence, and clear your good name."
  • "I'm not expecting you to be "a shoulder to cry on", but I'm convinced that, with a little bit of tact and consideration, we will see an enormous, and immediate, improvement in the quality of Doris's work."
  • "Judge : Well, personally I found that argument quite convincing, but, I suppose that legally, you're entitled to defend yourself, Mr. Delavigne."
  • "however, reactionaries and lunatics are convinced that these are the first signs of an animal revolution."
  • "Have I convinced you that you need to have a suit made?"
  • "Convince me!"
  • "I don't think this is going to work out, so unless you can convince me that we're compatible in the next 15 seconds, I think we should just stop right now."

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