Übersetzung & Definition

to contract (a disease): sich (mit einer Krankheit) infizieren, sich (eine Krankheit) zuziehen verb
Did you contract any diseases on your trip? Hast du dir während deiner Reise Krankheiten zugezogen?
a contract: ein Vertrag noun


  • "I've also renewed our contract with Ivana Bümbüm and she will continue to promote Delavigne perfumes for the next four years."
  • "Specifically, I'll need 5 copies of this contract copied and collated."
  • "It appears that you neglected to sign the licensing contract for our co-branding deal in duplicate."
  • "Just sign this contract with me and you'll be going places!"
  • "Please get in touch with me as soon as possible, or better yet fax the contract (signed in duplicate) to my office."
  • "Kevin : Well, we have to agree to a contract first!"
  • "don't want to sign a contract and/or say they would like to be paid in cash."
  • "Unless this contract is signed (in duplicate) by tomorrow, we will be forced to withdraw our 2.5 million dollar offer for the branding rights."
  • "The only way to avoid lasting damage to our reputation is to terminate Ivana's contract immediately, and make a public statement deploring her behavior!"

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