Übersetzung & Definition
to consult (a crystal ball): (eine Glaskugel) befragen, um Rat fragen, beraten
Have you tried consulting a specialist? Haben Sie versucht einen Spezialisten um Rat zu fragen?
a consultant: ein(e) Berater(in)
a management consultant ein Unternehmensberater
- "He's a consultant in New Zealand."
- "Without further ado, I'd like to turn things over to Lieutenant Lawrence Laughsalot, a "team-building" consultant from the FunFactory Consulting Squadron."
- "I would be remiss if I did not mention that this company retreat will include team-building exercises led by an expert from the FunFactory Consulting Squadron."
- "Bob is a consultant."
- "In just 5 30-minute sessions with our automated consultants, we'll transform you from oppressive overlord into a benevolent boss without ever leaving your throne room!"
- "Danica : Let me consult with them. Yes."
- "Without further ado, I'd like to turn things over to Lieutenant Lawrence Laughsalot, a "team-building" consultant from the FunFactory Consulting Squadron."
- "That's why I'm bringing in a very special consultant: Mr. Michael Jackson."
- "How is the best consultant in Australia?"
- "Glenn : Bruno, we're joined by Scott McCully, the consultant from New Zealand."
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