Übersetzung & Definition
(I work on) commission: (Ich arbeite auf) Provisionsbasis
At the store, we receive a five percent commission on each article sold. Im Geschäft erhalten wir eine Provision von fünf Prozent für jeden verkauften Artikel
out of commission ausser Betrieb
We charge 3% commission on traveler's checks. Wir berechnen eine Gebühr von 3 % auf Reiseschecks.
the European Commission: die Europäische Kommission
to commission (a painting): (ein Gemälde) in Auftrag geben
- "The board of trustees have decided to commission a novel that will be inspired by Delavigne and its products."
- "I have a number of side projects I'll be working on, including a short story commission, some journalistic work, and a complaint letter to the local council."
- "Edward : Commission, sir?"
- "The commission said 80,000."
- "Send Epikure that invoice so that they pay us and I can get my commission, or I'll send you to Munich!"
- "The announcement came as a major shock to EU Commission officials, who were stunned by this application."
- "Bruno : I want to commission a song from you."
- "The point is this: I want to commission a song from you."
- "The EU commission in Brussels?"
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