Übersetzung & Definition
a comment: ein Kommentar
I'm open to comments. Ich bin offen für Anmerkungen.
no comment kein Kommentar
to comment: bemerken, kommentieren
Could you please comment on this painting? Könnten Sie bitte dieses Gemälde erläutern?
to make comments (on something): Kommentare abgeben
I made some comments on the report. Ich machte einige Bemerkungen zu dem Bericht.
- "I'll start with a review of the last month, then I'll take questions and comments."
- "No comment to everyone!"
- "Brian, well you just stay there and make stupid comments."
- "Atlantean president Aquaman could not be reached for comment."
- "When asked for a comment, Horatio Oléré responded, "What?"
- "If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them. If there are any comments, I'd love to hear them. Who's first?"
- "Luna's comment"
- "Now I'd like to open the floor for questions and comments, alright?"
- "Horatio : No comment."
- "You have posted several comments about seamen on social media."
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