Übersetzung & Definition
(Do you want) to come with (me)?: (Willst du) mit (mir) kommen?
(This watch) comes with (a beautiful umbrella): (Zu dieser Uhr) bekommt man (einen schönen Regenschirm)
- "Donna : You want us to come with you and guide you through the streets of London?"
- "Please keep in mind that Horatio enjoys the special status that comes with being a Delavigne Corp partner, as well one of the foremost perfumers in the world."
- "They mean you no harm. Please come with us to our village."
- "Each pair comes with a plastic moustache attached, too!"
- "I'll come with you."
- "It didn't come with instructions, so I was hoping that you could tell me."
- "Olaf : Ok, ok, listen Gunter, you can come with us."
- "Krazy Gidyeon : And if you come with Krazy Gidyeon, we can go to my camel farm in Norway, make camel yogurt and dance to disco music."
- "Service comes with a fake smile"
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