Übersetzung & Definition

it has come to my attention that...: ich habe festgestellt, dass... idiom
Ein häufig gebrauchter Ausdruck, um einen Brief oder eine Rede anzufangen.


  • "It has recently come to my attention that our security system here at Delavigne is terribly inadequate."
  • "It has come to my attention that there is a live animal on this plane, and due to customs regulations, we will have to land the plane in Guatemala."
  • "Mayor : It has recently come to my attention that your company intends to build a second retail store on Market Street."
  • "It has recently come to my attention that some of you aren't up-to-date on the hiring policy here at the Delavigne Corporation."
  • "It has recently come to Bruno's attention that you fired Karen Hughes, a retail manager who came to you in order to offer you her resignation."
  • "It has recently come to my attention that one of my employees, Jean Marcel Marron, was arrested this afternoon on charges of reckless endangerment and driving without a US driver's license."
  • "Polly : It has recently come to my attention that you charged a business class plane ticket from San Francisco to Jakarta to your expense account at Delavigne."
  • "It has recently come to my attention that one of our fellow employees in the finance department, who shall remain nameless, is unable to share in the camaraderie of "Casual Fridays"."
  • "It has come to my attention that McGillicutty's has yet to stock Delavigne goods."

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