Übersetzung & Definition

a colleague: ein Kollege noun
Let me introduce you to my colleague Susan Bliss. Erlauben Sie mir, Ihnen meine Kollegin Susan Bliss vorzustellen.


  • "You should all be very proud of your colleague, who is brave, kind and spiritually curious."
  • "Brian : Sensei, we're colleagues of Icarus Quincy, the man who murdered one of your karate students."
  • "Your colleague Luna sent me a detailed email about your case."
  • "One of Philip's closest colleagues, and least close friends, Brian Jones, will now say a few words about Philip's life."
  • "My name is Bruno Delavigne, and alongside me for this very special press conference is my colleague and partner, Horatio Oléré."
  • "As I begin this new chapter in my life, substituting meaningless sexual encounters with meaningful brush strokes, I would appreciate the support of my colleagues as I reveal the fruits of my labor."
  • "Bruno : Friends, colleagues, countrymen, lend me your ears."
  • "Your hotel was highly recommended to us by our colleague Brian Jones."
  • "Sometimes, I wouldn't mind going back to San Francisco and seeing my friends and colleagues."
  • "Dearest Colleagues"

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