Übersetzung & Definition
coffee: der Kaffee
Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world, trailing only petroleum. Kaffee ist, nach Erdöl, das meist gehandelte Gut auf der Welt.
a coffee bean: eine Kaffeebohne
- "One hot coffee, in a cup."
- "I stand before you today not as a pimple-faced intern, fetching coffee and making copies, but as a modern-day Adonis: statuesque, strong, confident."
- "Very good for me, coffee."
- "And make some coffee will you?"
- "MacCheeter : 'Cause my breath smelled like coffee, and I needed some cash!"
- "My coffee's finished."
- "How would you like to give me some of your hot coffee, baby?"
- "Coffee will be provided, tea can be brewed on your own time."
- "Because the coffee we have here is disgusting."
- "Brian : Why don't we have a quick coffee before we continue, Miss Lohan?"
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