Übersetzung & Definition

a claim: eine (An-) Forderung, eine Behauptung noun
We have always doubted his claims of innocence. Wir haben immer an seiner Unschuldsbeteuerung gezweifelt.
a claim for damages eine Schadensforderung
to claim: (ab-) fordern, behaupten verb
He claims that he has never seen her before. Er behauptet, dass er sie noch nie gesehen hat.
I don't claim to be an expert in French cuisine. Ich behaupte nicht, ein Experte in der französischen Küche zu sein.
He is not who he claims to be. Er ist nicht derjenige, für den er sich ausgibt.

UK: She's made a claim for damages against her employer.
US: He claimed to be the son of a millionaire.


  • "One California man thought that he would get a top-level position in a large corporation by claiming he was a member of the Kennedy family."
  • "Another claim Smithson makes is that stress can be a good thing for pregnant women and their babies, citing "faster nerve transmission and perhaps even a greater brain development" in babies whose mothers had been subjected to moderate stress in mid-to-late pregnancy."
  • "Critics claim that the best ingredients don't always come from your region and that transport is only one element of a food's environmental impact."
  • "Monday : Eyewitnesses claim to have seen the diminutive juice magnate on the beaches of St."
  • "A team of French scientists is claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against the avian influenza virus (or "bird flu"): a bird-sized scarf made of wool."
  • "At 2.20pm Luna DeLune claims to have seen Icarus Quincy and Bruno having a heated argument by the coffee machine."
  • "- Don't be stupid enough to respond in any way to unsolicited or suspicious mail claiming to be from a bank."
  • "But is this man really who he claims to be?"
  • "That goes for all the shareholders you "claim" to represent."
  • "You dealt with minor setbacks like Luna DeLune's absurd claim that her LunaBot "had bad energy" (we checked the voltage, she was fine)."

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