Übersetzung & Definition

a city: eine Stadt noun


  • "It's a beautiful city, full of sights and sounds which are rich and pleasant, not unlike a perfume."
  • "By the time I get home, I only have enough energy for a glass of Pinot Grigio, an episode of "Sex And The City" and then I'm off to bed."
  • "Thursday : Sources report that the jet setting juice juggernaut was partying hard in the underwater city of Atlantis , riding sea horses and organizing illegal dolphin fights."
  • "My future plans are to leave the city as soon as possible, assume a new identity and start a new life in a murder-free area."
  • "Voice-over: You are driving through the city when a child runs across the road."
  • "In related news, the city of Houston, Texas can once again claim the title of "America's fattest city", narrowly beating New Orleans for the dubious distinction."
  • "As mayor of the Munchkin city, in the county of the land of Oz, I welcome you most regally..."
  • "Philip : Well, as exciting as that sounds, and it does sound exciting, this is the city of love."
  • "The Emerald city - as fast as lightning!"
  • "Today, as my personal assistant Brian Jones and I explored this city and talked to the native people, I was struck by the differences between our two countries."

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