Übersetzung & Definition
a challenge: eine Herausforderung
to challenge (somebody, a decision): (jemanden, eine Entscheidung) herausfordern
challenging: herausfordernd, ehrgeizig
Climbing Everest wasn't challenging enough for me, so I swam to the moon. Den Everest zu besteigen war nicht herausfordernd genug, also schwamm ich bis zum Mond.
- "I have ten years' experience in the customer service field, as well as management experience in a local telemarketing firm. The challenging environments in which I've worked have taught me to think on my feet, communicate clearly and always remain polite and professional while dealing with callers."
- "The work is sometimes challenging but it'll be an excellent opportunity for a young man like you to prove himself."
- "Bruno : Instead, you're going to be taking part in some exciting, challenging, and extremely dangerous missions..."
- "Well, the ultimate salesperson needed the ultimate challenge."
- "Joan Wayne attempted to scare the shark by firing at its dorsal fin, then challenged the shark to a duel, running into the water with pistols drawn."
- "Set challenging targets!"
- "At night, to survive becomes a real challenge."
- "Instead, you're going to be taking part in some exciting, challenging, and extremely dangerous missions..."
- "Now, if there are no further questions, I'll simply say that I look forward to my new role as the spokesbaby for the Delavigne Corporation, and the many challenges that lie ahead of me."
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