Übersetzung & Definition

(50) cents (US): (50 US-) Cent noun


  • "In the last five years, the pound has risen 34 per cent against the dollar, including 10 per cent in the past 12 months."
  • "Jeanine : It looks like the 67 cents is the tax from the previous charge to your account: a purchase for three pounds of cashew nuts from Ralph's Nut House on Schrader street on the 11th at 8:30 in the morning."
  • "Brian : 20 cents for 400 million people?"
  • "7 dollars and 99 cents please."
  • "Cashier : Okay, that'll be eighty-eight dollars and twenty cents please."
  • "Susie : You might also remember that they refused to pay their workers even the 2 dollars and fifty cents per day they were promised."
  • "(A handkerchief held in front of the mouth and nose would work out at just 40 cents per unit."
  • "Icarus : Well, I do have several 25 cent pieces, but they're for my laundry."
  • "I remind you that the total balance owed by Cosmex Inc. to Delavigne Corporation amounts to one thousand, two hundred and thirteen dollars and eighty cents ($1213.80)."

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