Übersetzung & Definition

to celebrate: feiern verb
I'm celebrating my birthday on Sunday. Ich feiere am Sonntag meinen Geburtstag.
a celebration: eine Feier, ein Fest noun
We will have a celebration for our wedding anniversary this weekend. Wir werden dieses Wochenende zu unserem Hochzeitstag eine Feier geben.


  • "Celebrated in : Cool countries."
  • "Bruno : Ladies and gentlemen, Gymglish users of all ages, thanks for joining us as we celebrate 50 episodes of Funky Friday!"
  • "Celebrate good times, come on!"
  • "Horatio : So, we celebrate my birthday, eh?"
  • "I am sure that you would agree that this occasion deserves an extra special celebration."
  • "The celebration of their love will take place on Friday, the twenty-fifth of August at three o'clock at Sacred Heart Cathedral, 1669 Fudgejunction Road, London, England."
  • "Vicar : Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the holy matrimony of two young lovers, eager to forge a union in the eyes of God, which is to last forever and ever."
  • "To say thank you for all your hard work lately, and to celebrate our moderately successful first quarter sales, I'm pleased to announce that the senior staff of the Delavigne Corporation will be taking a team-building trip this weekend!"
  • "Quick, let's take a selfie together to celebrate."
  • "So, please come to my petite dégustation in the break room at 1pm to celebrate me, French gastronomy and my final few months before I am possibly deported."

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