Übersetzung & Definition
to cause: verursachen, bewirken
The shortage of water is caused by the drought. Die Wasserknappheit wurde von der Trockenperiode verursacht.
The traffic jam caused me to be late for work. Der Stau führte dazu, dass ich zu spät zur Arbeit kam.
(lung cancer is often) caused by (smoking): (Lungenkrebs wird oft) durch (Rauchen) verursacht
a cause: eine Ursache, ein Grund
Alcohol is the cause of many accidents. Alkohol ist die Ursache für viele Unfälle.
We're trying to raise money for a good cause. Wir versuchen Geld für einen guten Zweck zu sammeln.
Pronunciation examples
UK: What caused the accident?
US: The good news was a cause for celebration.
- "Cause of death?"
- "Perhaps the benefits of the internet outweigh any damage it may cause to the environment?"
- "There will be a rumor about a product causing health problems.."
- "Warbuckle's Department Stores will donate a sum of 1 million dollars annually to charitable causes promoting democracy, free trade and open borders in Europe."
- "They call him that cause he says everything 3 times."
- "This is a very real cause that both of us have a very personal connection to."
- "I have your cause of death listed as a "heart attack"."
- "I've caused a paper jam. What do you say to me?"
- "If any of you believe that you have cause for firing an employee, or are considering the possibility of firing an employee, please discuss it with the HR department first."
- "We devote our lives to your cause."
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