Übersetzung & Definition
to catch up (with somebody): sich mit jemandem auf den neuesten Stand bringen
I would like to get a coffee with you sometime and catch up. Ich möchte mich irgendwann mit dir auf einen Kaffee treffen und mich über dich auf den neusten Stand bringen.
to catch up on (some homework): Hausarbeiten nachholen
- "Listen, do you feel like meeting for dinner tonight so we could catch up face to face?"
- "So it's about time we caught up."
- "Bruno : It's always good to catch up with you Mick."
- "Regarding Horatio's surprise party: I've been running around trying to catch up with the department heads and here is what I've found out"
- "Yesterday I had to stay at the office later than usual in order to catch up on some paperwork."
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