Übersetzung & Definition

(a piece of) candy (US): eine Süßigkeit, ein Bonbon noun
Achtung: "candy" hat niemals einen unbestimmten Artikel
Would you like some candy? Möchtest du etwas Süßes/ein Bonbon?
Candy ist außerdem ein Vorname in anglophonen Ländern. Generell ist dies die Kurzform für "Candace".
a candy bar: ein Schokoladenriegel noun


  • "A 15-year-old boy wreaked havoc today at White Dove High School when he pulled out candy from his bag and threw it "quite hard" at fellow students."
  • "Candy : Oh no!"
  • "Quotes : "First you get the money candy, then you get the power, then you get the women."
  • "Objective : Obtain candy by any means necessary"
  • "A fellow student said "Zack was careful not to throw the candy directly at people, but a caramel square did land quite near my foot"."
  • "Technique : Dress up like ghosts, monsters and sexy nurses in order to extort the precious candy."
  • "Brent : So Oklahoma isn't a good destination for the next Vanderplop family vacation, is it Candy?"
  • "Candy : Don't worry, Brent."
  • "Brent : Candy?"

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